Foundation News and Events

MRHCF Seeks Donor Board Photos

By the end of the year, the Mobridge Regional Hospital Foundation is hoping to have a beautiful new frame-style digital donor board hanging in the main entrance of the hospital. “This new style of donor board will give us the ability to update with new donations at no cost almost immediately,” says Haden Merkel, Philanthropy Engagement Coordinator for Mobridge Regional Hospital. “When someone gives the Foundation a gift, we want to share that and thank them for it without delay—and this is a huge step forward for us to be able to do that.

In the meantime, Merkel and the Foundation have a request for MRH&C supporters: background photo donations. “Right now, the background of most of the slides on our new digital donor board are just blue,” explains Merkel, we want to make it more unique, appropriate for that space, and better representative of our beautiful service area—whether it’s a field of vibrant sunflowers, our iconic bridges, or other special captures.”

If you are willing to donate the use of a picture for the project, please click here to sign a photo release form. Staff will be working on updating the new donor board backgrounds for the next several weeks. “What’s great about this system, is that it won’t take long to update donor information, background pictures, or anything else—and it’s free to make all those edits, so the Foundation can put more of its future funds toward hospital needs,” shares Merkel.

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